• Our Dom Chapter 1


    Now what?

    As we watched the train slowly pull away, I reached out and took Ian’s hand. Somehow, I hadn’t realized until this moment that he was going to be watching his Daddy leave him at the same time I was watching my sub leave.

    Yep, I was not that bright, but luckily I caught on quickly and could think on the fly.

    “You know, if we timed it right, we could alternate calling him so much all he did was talk to us.” My suggestion had Ian giggling, his little side peeking out. “He doesn’t have anything else to do right now.”

    Ian shrugged but glanced up at me out of the corner of his eye. “Nap? You probably kept him up all night.”

    Not quite all night…

    My grin must’ve been slightly wicked because Ian blushed and giggled again. “You were naughty, Uncle Cohen.”

  • read the full first chapter
  • Our Boy Chapter 1

    Our pup had some questions to answer before the night was over. But for now, I was simply going to focus on the soft smile on Ian’s face and the warmth of his hand in mine.

    And the wicked excitement radiating from our pup.

    Our pup.

    Yes, Bishop was definitely Ian’s Daddy, but he was our pup.

    Our naughty pup.

    But Ian’s tender Daddy.

  • read the full first chapter
  • Our Pup Prologue

    “You have to save me. I’m an idiot who thinks with his dick and I need to be saved from myself.” Laughter might not have been the best response, but Archer was being so dramatic it was hard to take him seriously sometimes. “This isn’t funny. I’ve been calling you for two days.”

    Okay, most of the time.

    Drama was obviously affecting his memory…and his logic skills, so I decided a reminder was in order. “The train has been going through ridiculously small towns that don’t have any cell service.”

    And for some reason, the train seemed to go even slower when we were in dead zones.

    There were wonderful side effects of traveling cross-country that I hadn’t expected—random areas of the US that got no cell service whatsoever and the fact that the motion of the train kept putting me to sleep.

    Archer snorted, his drama ratcheting even higher. “That’s just stupid. You’re on a train through the South, not through a third world country.”

  • read the full first chapter